Literacy Progressions and PaCT

During 2017, as part of the RCCOL, we were part of a whole lot of literacy PLD which one provided by Office Vision. The main two focusses were revisiting Literacy Progression and using PaCT.

Below are links to evidence of my attendance and professional development:


Writing Progression Wall using PaCT



The PLD around Literacy Progressions has been a really good time for me to reflect on exactly how much I know about my students. Do I really know where they are at in their progress and achievement? And do I really understand what their next steps were in their learning? If I don’t, then how am I suppose to expect that the students would know. What did make this learning hard for me was how to display this knowledge in class so that students are able to use it too to set their own goals. As I have a composite class, I didn’t want students being labelled extremely low compared to their peers who are at lower year levels. So I decided to go ahead and use the PaCT document to display on the walls as Progress Walls. The students have been able to monitor their own learning and progression using the same tool I do to make my OTJs. This took some time to develop as I had to turn it into kid speak and then work out how to use it before introducing it to my class. After trialling this for a term, things seemed to go fine. It made recording where my students were/are easy for me and it gave them a visual to refer to when setting goals or talking about their next their steps to whanau.