Professional Readings

Links to some of the readings are at the bottom of this page.

Differentiating the Core Curriculum and Instruction to Provide Advanced Learning Opportunities

by Sandra Kaplann and Michael Cassity

An American based article that discussed the need for a differentiated curriculum where the emphasis is shifted from structure to quality education. The discussions are based on frameworks that support strategies for differentiation and that deeper thinking that gifted students need.

Weaving a Coherent Curriculum: How the ideas of capabilities can help

by Rosemary Hipkins

A reading based on the NZC and how each area is woven together to make the learning authentic. It discusses what the teacher does and what the student brings when building capabilities. The capabilities it focuses on include:

Tall Poppies - Magazone of the New Zealand Association for Gifted Children

by Anna Meuli

A reading provided by NZCGE Consultancy. An introduction to frameworks for achieving deep, complex, abstract and transferable understandings which help to assist our Gifted and Talented students. The article talks about the Depth and Complexity Framework which supports higher order of thinking.

Leaderhsip is half the story – A fresh look at Followership, Leadership, and Collaboration

by M & S Hurwitz 

An interesting read looking at leadership through collaboration with a main focus onThe Generative Partnership Model. This model looks at everyone being a leader and a follower.

7 Characteristics of Teacher Inquiry

Teacher inquiry is a shared process that is guided by student learning outcomes. Teacher inquiry shapes practice and practice shapes teacher inquiry. The link below has further information about what teacher inquiry is.

21st Century Learning Design – 21st CLD Learning Activity Rubrics 

by ITL Research

21st Century Education is different from the 20th Century. With this, the Key Competencies can be viewed as slightly out of date. The link below provides a set of Rubrics that link very well with our current Key Competencies but from a 21st Century perspective.

White Paper 21st Century Skills Discussion Paper

by Joke Voogt and Natalie Pareja Roblin

It is important as educators that we understand what is meant by the term 21st Century Learning and what the skills are that our students need to prepare them for the future workforce. The link below provides you with information about the skills of 21st Century Learners and provides a Literature Review.

Embedding Evaluative Thinking as an Essential Component of Successful Innovation

by Lorna Earl and Helen Timperley

It is important to understand the link between evaluative thinking and successful innovation. Without evaluating an innovation, how can we know how successful it could be.  The link below provides you with information about Evaluative Thinking and Successful Innovation.

Evaluative Thinking for Successful Educational  Innovation

by Lorna Earl and Helen Timperley

Innovation has become the watch word of education around the globe as schools and systems confront a rapidly-changing world.  The link below provides you with information about the importance of Evaluative Thinking and Successful Educational Innovation.

Clarity in the Classroom: Using Formative Assessment (Book)

by Michael Absolum

Looking at Formative Assessment and different practices used to promote further learning.

Learning in the Fast Lane (Book)

by Suzy Pepper Rollins

A very intriguing read giving 8 ways to put all students on the road to academic success. I have highlighted many strategies in the book to help bridge the gap between my low or young learner’s and my high or older learner’s. Some great strategies given that make a lot of sense even though the book and practices are based in America and the UK

Below is an extensive list of readings that were part of my Master's Degree.