S.M.L Self Managed Learning

S.M.L stands for Self Managed Learning and falls under the Key Competency of Managing Self. It is a classroom initiative that I introduced during Term 2 in 2013 to promote independence and accountability for actions within the classroom environment.

Whole class instruction is used to introduce new concepts and then students follow staggered levelled task sheets. These task sheets have Learning Intentions, Definitions, Examples, Resources and follow-on activities that start at a level below students preferred ability and work up to a level above preferred student ability. Mini workshops are on offer to all students if difficulty in any area occurs.

Ability based groups also have teacher instruction to dive deeper into the concept being taught and allows for OTJ.

The idea of S.M.L is based on the similar philosophy as Flipping the Classroom. The teacher is the facilitator.

Below are examples of the assessment NAPE used by the students, an example of a Task Card, and also a PowerPoint presentation that was put together by a small group of students to show their view of S.M.L.
